nbev是什么意思,margin0是什么意思( 二 )

2. 一场默写比赛的作文600字
初春时节 , 乍暖还寒,柳枝泛出点点鹅黄,空气中尚带有丝丝凉意 。在这诗情画意的日子里,我们迎来了一年一度的春季运动会 。
运动员们一个个摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试 。场上的观众们欢呼雀跃 , 声音似乎直达天边 。这时候,我们万众一心,抱着必胜的信念,来加油 , 来呐喊,来为最后的胜利敲响信心的钟声 。
“预—备,跑”随着一声令下,运动员们个个如脱缰的驰骋在赛场上 。他们的眼神坚定,勇敢,无畏,光芒闪烁在其中,那光芒中包含了必胜的信念,对运动的热爱,坚持的勇气…… 。全场的观众也被感染了,尖叫,呐喊 , 飞腾 , 似乎全身的力量都积蓄在着呐喊与尖叫中 。运动员们听到这震撼人心的加油鼓舞声,疲惫的脚步再次充满了力量,在此积蓄了 ***,奔跑的脚步如同骤雨一样,密集有力的降落在无边的旷野上 。
运动员们跑得如呼啸的北风,又如划过的流星,又如遨游云霄的雄鹰 。他们的脚下掀起厚厚的尘埃,超过一座座有痛苦与磨难筑起的山峰 。他们的生命因奔跑而存在,因奔跑而美丽,因奔跑而富有 ***。跑在前面的似乎在说:“问天下英雄谁属 , 非我莫属!”而稍微靠后的,在多次体力较量之后,从心底发出一声不屈的叫喊,似乎在告诉我们:我,不甘落后!我,一定会是最后的王者!
风声在呼啸,尘土滚落在天际,可这玷污不了天空的蔚蓝与纯净,就像恶劣的天气阻挡不了我们运动的热情,滚滚的尘土遮蔽不了我们对奔跑的热爱 , 无尽的风不能泯灭我们必胜的信心!
那运动场上驰骋的身影 , 凝结着多少泪水与汗水?。疤ㄉ弦环种? ,台下十年功”,纵使他们受过打击与挫折 , 承受着别人无法想象的压力,但是他们凭着对运动的热爱,战胜了挫折,以超人的毅力书写着运动的真谛 。他们在经历了无尽的泪水与汗水洗礼之后,成了运动场上傲视群雄的冠军之花!青春在汗水中挥洒豪情,真好!
3. 英语作文600字,~~~~
什么主题?。?62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333335313261说清楚Last summer , I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind Last summer , I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors. Maybe you have heard about Shi Lin (stone forests). There are all kinds of strange stones. Some of the *** all stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome men. Other stones look like cats, peafowls, double-edged swords, mice, s and so on. Of all the stones, the stone like a in a legend is the most famous .Its name is A Shima. I also went to Li Jiang. The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams. Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang. A river runs through the whole city. If you go along the river, you'll never get lost. There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan. They are very cordial. And they all like singing and dancing. We danced with them around the campfire that night. I really had a good time. I like the s and fruits there best. An is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first. But the elephant seemed very friendly. I took some photos with it. The fruits there are very fresh and delicious. They are very good for our health. The trip to Yunnan impressed me GREatly. I will never fet it./link?url=bFeTGklkJAkDS8OVFaKf7isXe262AdEDLYl_I96A77Gll6pnbevzGRgm5PeakiVQZHC31vOXd0IyOnHoLTfWB_ 。
4. 我的英语老师作文600字
[我的英语老师作文600字] 回顾小学六年的历程,我觉得自己长的了许多,我的英语老师作文600字 。小学的生活以在我们告别,中学的大门已为我们敞开 。总跨进中学的第一步,我就感到很陌生:校园大了许多,同学大多是没见过面的,课程一下增加了三门,我担心我不能学好,老师的教育方法不同了,同学的言行态度不一样了,这些就像一片又一片浮云,在我脑海里飘来飘去……
虽然才上了没几天,但老师在我心目中的印象已经很深了 , 我最喜欢我的英语老师,他个子高高的,不戴眼镜,略瘦的身材,穿着一件蓝色的上衣 , 一条时尚的牛仔裤,真酷!当然,再酷也比不上他讲课时的幽默,初中一年级作文《我的英语老师作文600字》 。
讲课时,他能把枯燥的英语讲得一点也不枯燥,还经常给我们开点小玩笑,比如stand up!班上所有人都笔直的站着,而他下一句:don't sit down!班上至少有一大半人坐下了 , 我也不列外 。只有十来个反应快的人依然站着,他们互相看看,双方似乎都很疑惑 。don't sit down!don't sit down!老师又说 。大家这才反应过来 。
