denizens—植物用英文怎么读?( 二 )

(2).泛指寄居外乡的人 。《新唐书·崔光远传》:“

北募侨民 。”

二年以前代传置悉用民夫,至是诏募军卒代之 。至三年正月,诏不得以逆旅侨民充递夫 。”
(3).今称侨居外国而保留本国国籍的人 。
捕房派的专车接他们的侨民的,别的国人也能坐到那车子上面,那是他们哀求的结果 。”
北极熊,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,又名白熊,憨态可掬 。那么,你知道北极熊的的英文单词是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于北极熊的英语知识吧 。
北极熊的英文释义polar bear
sea bear
white bear
北极熊的的英文例句我从未见过北极熊 。
I have never seen an arctic bear.
北极熊的栖息地是冰冷的北极海域 。
The polar bear's habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic.
尽管警戒很严,北极熊还是逃出了动物园 。
In spite of vigilance a polar bear escape from the zoo.
我从未见过北极熊 。
I have never seen an arctic bear.
北极熊的足爪部有厚的毛发和锋利的爪 。
Polar bear paws have thick fur and sharp claws.
北极熊是白的,而且体型庞大 。
The polar bears are white and large.
顾名思义,北极熊的出产地为北极,是世界上体积最巨型的陆上食肉动物 。
The polar bear is the biggest land predator of them all.
海豹为北极熊提供了保暖所需的大部分脂肪 。
The seals provide much of the fat the bears need for warmth.
北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气 。
A polar bear has a preference for cold weather.
北极熊可以在极度寒冷的条件下生存 。
Polar bears can live in extreme cold.
polar bears, denizens of the frozen north 北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物
The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage 北极熊身上的白色的浓密软毛是一种天然的伪装
The Arctic remains the domain of the polar bear 北极仍是北极熊的领地
The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills 象牙海鸥经常跟在北极熊的后面吃剩下的海豹尸体
A polar bear has a preference for cold weather 北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气
The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear 北极地带为北极熊的栖息地
Alaska still is a land of iceberg and polar bear 阿拉斯加现在仍是冰山和北极熊的世界
For a minute i thought it was pilsner's performing polar bears 刚才我还以为它是皮尔斯纳扮演的北极熊
They'll lock him up, and you just stand there like Nanook of the North! 他们会把他关起来你还像一只北极熊那样站在那里!
The melting has already threatened native animals like the polar bear 融化已经在影响着当地动物,像北极熊
Wells was not likely to forswear the faith of a lifetime 威尔斯决不会背弃他毕生的信仰
Today Howell's name is unknown to all but specialists 今天,豪威尔斯的名字除了一些专家外已经是鲜为人知了
I have neglected this diary ever since our arrival in Lourdes 自从我们来到卢尔德以后,我就一直没写日记
But Twain, Howells, and James were jeeringly described by Mencken as "draft - dodgers " 不过吐温、 豪威尔斯和詹姆斯都是被门肯讥诮地叫做 “ 逃避兵役的人 ”
Eisenhower never have dreamed of calling on Stevenson in1952 or 1956. 艾森豪威尔在一九五二年或一九五六年做梦也没有想到要去拜访史蒂文森
Mr Archibald did not give himself the trouble of making manyremonstrances 阿奇博尔德先生似乎不想自找麻烦多方规劝
Once they had left Key Biscayne, Rogers and Laird quickly reversedthemselves 罗杰斯和莱尔德一离开比斯坎岛,很快就变了卦
Actually, a number of other circumstances were responsible for Wilson'svictory 实际上, 许多其它情况对威尔逊的胜利起着更为重要的作用
Wilson decided that the time for drastic action had come 威尔逊认为采取严厉措施的时候已到
He would get rid of Rogers and Laird at the earliest opportunity 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德
关于北极熊的英文阅读:北极熊的窘迫 适应冰冷环境的代价How Polar Bears Keep Their Cool on this moment of scene
If you found youself instantly transported to the freezing Arctic , your first concern would be keeping warm. But one of the animals that make their homes on this vast fields of ice and snow , do polar bear need to warry about freezing to death ? Actually a polar bear's biggest problem is keeping cool, not keeping warm. Thanks to its thick coat of fur, it tough hide and four insul layer of blood , a polar bear is extremely well insulated.
