阿里云ram子账号?阿里云yum工具和出站80端口不可用的问题排查一例?( 三 )

调用接口出错后,将不会返回结果数据 。调用方可根据每个接口对应的错误码以及下述 2.3.3 的公共错误码来定位错误原因 。当调用出错时,HTTP 请求返回一个 4xx 或 5xx 的 HTTP 状态码 。返回的消息体中是具体的错误代码及错误信息 。另外还包含一个全局唯一的请求 ID:RequestId 和一个您该次请求访问的站点 ID:HostId 。在调用方找不到错误原因时,可以联系阿里云客服,并提供该 HostId 和 RequestId,以便我们尽快帮您解决问题 。
Http 状态码
MissingParameterThe input parameter “Action” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied400缺少 Action 字段
MissingParameterThe input parameter “AccessKeyId” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied400缺少 AccessKeyId 字段
MissingParameterAn input parameter “Signature” that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied.400缺少 Signature 字段
MissingParameterThe input parameter “TimeStamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied400缺少 Timestamp 字段
MissingParameterThe input parameter “Version” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied400缺少 Version 字段
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid.400无效的 Action 值(该 API 不存在)
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFoundThe Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.400无效的 AccessKeyId 值(该 key 不存在)
Forbidden.AccessKeyDisabledThe Access Key is disabled.403该 AccessKey 处于禁用状态
IncompleteSignatureThe request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards.400无效的 Signature 取值(签名结果错误)
InvalidParamaterThe specified parameter “SignatureMethod” is not valid.400无效的 SignatureMethod 取值
InvalidParamaterThe specified parameter “SignatureVersion” is not valid.400无效的 SignatureVersion 取值
IllegalTimestampThe input parameter “Timestamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.400无效的 Timestamp 取值(Timestamp 与服务器时间相差超过了 1 个小时)
SignatureNonceUsedThe request signature nonce has been used.400无效的 SignatureNonce(该 SignatureNonce 值已被使用过)
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid.400无效的 Version 取值
InvalidOwnerIdThe specified OwnerId is not valid.400无效的 OwnerId 取值
InvalidOwnerAccountThe specified OwnerAccount is not valid.400无效的 OwnerAccount 取值
InvalidOwnerOwnerId and OwnerAccount can’t be used at one API access.400同时使用了 OwnerId 和 OwnerAccount
ThrottlingRequest was denied due to request throttling.400因系统流控拒绝访问
ThrottlingRequest was denied due to request throttling.400该 key 的调用 quota 已用完
InvalidActionSpecified action is not valid.403该 key 无权调用该 API
UnsupportedHTTPMethodThis http method is not supported.403用户使用了不支持的 Http Method(当前 TOP 只支持 post 和 get)
ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.500服务不可用
UnsupportedParameterThe parameter ”” is not supported.400使用了无效的参数
InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.500其他情况
MissingParameterThe input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.403调用该接口没有指定 OwnerId
Forbidden.SubUserThe specified action is not available for you 。403无权调用订单类接口
UnsupportedParameterThe parameter ”” is not supported.400该参数无权使用
Forbidden.InstanceNotFoundThe specified Instance is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM.404使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Instance 不存在
Forbidden.DiskNotFoundThe specified Disk is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM.404使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Disk 不存在
Forbidden.SecurityGroupNotFoundThe specified SecurityGroup is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM.404使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 SecurityGroup 不存在
Forbidden.SnapshotNotFoundThe specified Snapshot is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM.404使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Snapshot 不存在
Forbidden.ImageNotFoundThe specified Image is not found, so we cann’t get enough information to check permission in RAM.404使用了 RAM 授权子账号进行资源访问,但是本次访问涉及到的 Image 不存在
