us福利解压密码__翻译一段关于福利的英文( 二 )

这是一项住房保障福利,政府会按照收入的百分比来收取租金,一般按收入的25%至30% 。
如果你有很少或没有收入,可以申请每月的收入保障津贴 。
这里的收入,需要计算包括来自其他国家的养老金、生活费、工资、失业保险福利以及劳工赔偿金或福利等等入息 。你的收入愈少,得到的收入保障津贴愈多 。
如果你己婚,你的配偶的收入在计算你应得之GIS数目时会被考虑在内 。GIS须按年度重新申请 。
1、年龄在60岁与65岁之间、配偶为领取高龄保障人士 。
2、总收入不超过规定的金额 。
3、18岁之后在加拿大居住至少10年 。SPA须按年度重新申请 。此项津贴可继续发放,直至你再婚或年届65岁为止,甚至配偶去世这项津贴仍可继续发放给你 。
加拿大的税务居民,每年都要按时报税 。对于低收入家庭来说,又是一项负担 。为此,政府会退还GST/HST,以减轻低收入家庭的负担,不仅是公民和永久居民,在加拿大的工签持有者和留学生只要符合税务居民的条件,都可以获得退税 。
加拿大的福利还有很多很多,每个区域还有会特色福利 。
安省:“健康微笑计划(Healthy Smiles Ontario)”为低收入家庭提供免费的牙科治疗,要知道在加拿大看牙是很贵的!
多伦多:儿童课外活动有补助、家庭电费补助等等 。
魁北克:这个法语区的福利就更全了,在此就不一一介绍啦 。
Q2:翻译一段关于福利的英文Hypotheses 4 and 5 were also not supported. The effect of supervisory training (Hypothesis 4) was not statistically significant. Interestingly, the effect of supervisory appraisal (Hypothesis 5) was significant but negatively related to retention, meaning that the more supervisors are formally appraised on how well they provide supportive supervision, the lower the retention of former welfare clients. These results suggest that differences in employers’ philosophical approaches to commitment practices, and resultant expectations regarding employee performance, may affect job retention.
Lastly, Hypothesis 6 was supported, as development opportunities are positively and significantly associated with retention. This relationship occurred despite the fact that our development scale exhibited relatively low reliability, which suggests that em ployers do not have a common set of development activities. However, the significant regression finding suggests that the development activities employers do conduct are important for retention purposes.
The control variables were no longer significant when HRM practices were included in the regression equation, and the regression coefficients on company characteristics were substantially reduced. These findings indicate that the HRM practices utilized by nonprofits and larger employers help to explain why they experience greater retention.
We conducted a supplementary analysis to investigate whether months on welfare moderated the effect of the HRM practices on job retention. Under TANF, welfare clients are provided strong inducements to work, and most welfare clients want to work (Pavetti & Wemmerus, 1999). Individuals who have received welfare for a longer period of time may find it more difficult to obtain employment, while individuals on welfare for a shorter period may be comparatively more like the general workforce. Results indicated that the effectiveness of two HRM practices, financial/health benefits and supervisor appraisal, significantly depended on the number of months the employee received welfare benefits (p < .05). In the case of financial/health benefits, the interaction was positive, meaning that the effect of financial/health benefits on retention is stronger for those who have been on welfare longer. This finding reinforces the importance of this HRM practice in easing the transition from welfare to work. In the case of supervisory appraisal, the interaction was negative, meaning that the effect of supervisory appraisal on retention is increasingly negative for those who have been on welfare longer.
假设4和第5也没有得到支持 。的影响,监督训练(假设4 )没有统计学意义 。有趣的是,监督的效果评价(假设5 )显着负相关,但保留,这意味着更多的监督员正式评价以及他们对如何提供支持监督,降低保留原福利客户 。这些结果表明,不同雇主的哲学方法来承诺的做法,以及由此产生的预期雇员的表现,可能会影响保留工作 。
最后,假设6的支持,作为发展的机会和显着正相关的保留 。尽管这种关系发生的事实,展示我们的发展规模相对较低,可靠性,这表明时间ployers没有一套共同的发展活动 。然而,回归的重大发现表明,发展活动雇主们进行是非常重要的保留目的 。
