骂人的歌曲中文__骂人的歌曲都有什么啊?( 二 )

I demand you remember who you are【我要你记得自己到底是谁】
it was YOU, who believed in me【你!那个坚定不移信任我的你】
when everyone was telling you don't sign me【大伙都劝你别签下我 但你一意孤行】
everyone at the f-cking label, lets tell the truth【每个人都岌岌可危 让我告诉你真相】
you risked your career for me【为了我你冒着事业被毁掉的危险】
I know it as well as you【我同你一样清楚明白】
nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy【没有人会鸟这白人小子】
Dre, I'm crying in this booth【dre 我正在录音室泪流满面】
you saved my life, now maybe it's my turn to save yours【你救我一命 现在轮到我报恩的时候了】
but I can never repay you, what you did for me is way more【但我永远也偿还不了你的恩情 你为我做的要多的多】
but I ain't giving up faith and you ain't giving up on me【但我不会放弃我的信念 你也永远不会放弃我】
get up Dre, I'm dying, I need you, come back for f-ck's sake【醒醒 Dr.Dre 我在垂死挣扎 看在上帝的份上 回来吧】
I'm about to lose my mind【我已濒临崩溃边缘了】
you've been gone for so long【你离开太久了】
I'm running out of time【我所剩时间已经不多】
I need a doctor,call me a doctor【我需要医生 给我叫个医生】
I need a doctor, doctor【我需要个医生】
to bring me back to life【来让我起死回生】
bring me back to life【来让我起死回生】
bring me back to life【来让我起死回生】
(I need a doctor, doctor【我需要个医生】
to bring me back to life)【来让我起死回生】
It literally feels like a lifetime ago【这感觉就如同上辈子一般】
but I still remember the shit like it was just yesterday though【但我始终记得 那就如同昨日发生一般】
you walked in, yellow jump suit【你走进了 身穿黄色香蕉装】
whole room, cracked jokes【全体哗然 处处讥笑】
once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke【一旦你踏入录音棚 告诉你 所有事都成为过眼云烟】
went through friends, some of them I put on【震撼我那些朋友们 我代表那些朋友】
but they just left, they said they was riding to the death【但他们也劳燕分飞 他们说过匪帮至死方休】
but where the f-ck are they now【但现在都去哪了?】
now that I need them, I don't see none of them【现在我需要他们 却连影子都见不到】
all I see is Slim【我只看到eminem】
f-ck all you fair-weather friends【QNMD这些酒肉朋友】
all I need is him【我现在只需要他】
f-cking backstabbers【QNMD背后小人】
when the chips were down you just laughed at us【当看到资金下滑时 就对我落井下石】
now you bout to feel the f-cking wrath of aftermath, faggots【现在你们要尝尝我愤怒的后果了 死垃圾!】
you go see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the f-ck we been?【你将会看到我们重回录音室 然后问我们是否一切都好】
you can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass【你们可以献媚来讨好我 你们这群寄生虫】
little crack a jack beat making wack math,【小琥珀玉米花干的过数学狂人】
backwards producers, I'm back bastards【某后推手们 你们这些混蛋 我们回来了】
one more CD and then I'm packing up my bags and as I’m leaving【多发一张专辑 接着收拾我的包裹 功成名就】
I'll guarantee they scream Dre don't leave us like that man cause…【我保证他们会尖叫 dre 不要就这样离开我们】
I'm about to lose my mind【我已濒临崩溃边缘了】
you've been gone for so long【你离开太久了】
I'm running out of time【我所剩时间已经不多】
I need a doctor,call me a doctor【我需要医生 给我叫个医生】
I need a doctor, doctor【我需要个医生】
to bring me back to life【来让我起死回生】
Q2:骂人的英文歌曲Hot Dog-Limp Bizkit(林普巴兹提特乐团)(风格:金属说唱) 几乎每句里都带个 FUCKHit 'Em Up- 2Pac美国西海岸匪帮说唱很经典的DISS一首歌中骂了上百个人Fuck All Yall-2Pac 骂的很爽啊 光是歌名翻译出来就是 都TM给我滚caoIce Cube - No Vaseline这个人你绝对见过 还演过极限特工 这首歌最终导致了N.W.A.的解散 。Puke-Eminem (痞子阿姆 ) (骂他妻子的) (风格:硬核说唱)Kill You- Eminem(骂他母亲的)(风格:硬核说唱)LL Cool J - To da Break of Dawn 很不错的 一首骂人的DISS 我是宋旭 多多追加分啊!!
