$ gclient sync -r 25e3fd53a79bfdb2bd647ee3a199eb9c3a71d271
Syncing projects: 100% (43/43), done.
Running hooks: 41% (10/24) mac_toolchain
________ running 'vpython src/build/mac_toolchain.py' in '/Users/a1/Desktop/webrtc'
Skipping Mac toolchain installation for mac
Running hooks: 45% (11/24) clang
________ running 'vpython src/tools/clang/scripts/update.py' in '/Users/a1/Desktop/webrtc'
Downloading https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-clang/Mac/clang-llvmorg-13-init-14732-g8a7b5ebf-2.tgz .......... Done.
Downloading https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-clang/Mac/clang-llvmorg-13-init-14732-g8a7b5ebf-2.tgz .......... Done.
Hook 'vpython src/tools/clang/scripts/update.py' took 31.97 secs
Running hooks: 58% (14/24) clang_format_mac
________ running 'download_from_google_storage --no_resume --platform=darwin --no_auth --bucket chromium-clang-format -s src/buildtools/mac/clang-format.sha1' in '/Users/a1/Desktop/webrtc'
NOTICE: You have PROXY values set in your environment, but gsutilin depot_tools does not (yet) obey them.
Also, --no_auth prevents the normal BOTO_CONFIG environmentvariable from being used.
To use a proxy in this situation, please supply those settingsin a .boto file pointed to by the NO_AUTH_BOTO_CONFIG environmentvariable.
Running hooks: 79% (19/24) test_fonts
________ running 'download_from_google_storage --no_resume --extract --no_auth --bucket chromium-fonts -s src/third_party/test_fonts/test_fonts.tar.gz.sha1' in '/Users/a1/Desktop/webrtc'
NOTICE: You have PROXY values set in your environment, but gsutilin depot_tools does not (yet) obey them.
Also, --no_auth prevents the normal BOTO_CONFIG environmentvariable from being used.
To use a proxy in this situation, please supply those settingsin a .boto file pointed to by the NO_AUTH_BOTO_CONFIG environmentvariable.
Running hooks: 91% (22/24)
________ running 'download_from_google_storage --directory --recursive --num_threads=10 --no_auth --quiet --bucket chromium-webrtc-resources src/resources' in '/Users/a1/Desktop/webrtc'
NOTICE: You have PROXY values set in your environment, but gsutilin depot_tools does not (yet) obey them.
Also, --no_auth prevents the normal BOTO_CONFIG environmentvariable from being used.
To use a proxy in this situation, please supply those settingsin a .boto file pointed to by the NO_AUTH_BOTO_CONFIG environmentvariable.
Hook 'vpython src/testing/generate_location_tags.py --out src/testing/location_tags.json' took 35.13 secs
Running hooks: 100% (24/24), done.
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