active|疫情之下再现财富分化,亿万富豪出自哪些行业?( 四 )

与此趋势相反的是 , 医疗保健行业亿万富豪的财富在此期间增长10.2% 。
Bucking this trend, the wealth of healthcare industrybillionaires climbed 10.2% over this period.
新技术的快速应用也使科技和工业行业亿万富豪的财富分别增长了0.8%和4.8% 。
The rapid application of new technologies also enabledtechnology and industrials billionaires to grow their wealthby 0.8% and 4.8% respectively.
相比之下 , 材料和房地产行业的亿万富豪损失最大 , 反映出大宗商品价格和房地产企业价值的下降 。 他们的财富总额分别下降17.8%和16.6% 。
By contrast, materials and real estate billionairesexperienced the biggest losses, reflecting a fall in commodityprices and the value of real estate businesses. Their total wealthfell by 17.8% and 16.6% respectively.
来源:经济日报·外企头条工作室 朱琳
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