机器之心|一行代码不用写,就可以训练、测试、使用模型,这个项目帮你做到( 二 )

split:# split optionstest_size: 0.2#[float] -> 0.2 means 20% for the test data, so 80% are automatically for trainingshuffle: true# [bool] -> whether to shuffle the data before/while splittingstratify: None# [list, None] -> If not None, data is split in a stratified fashion, using this as the class labels.
preprocess: # preprocessing optionsmissing_values: mean# [str] -> other possible values: [drop, median, most_frequent, constant] check the docs for moreencoding:type: oneHotEncoding# [str] -> other possible values: [labelEncoding]scale:# scaling optionsmethod: standard# [str] -> standardization will scale values to have a 0 mean and 1 standard deviation| you can also try minmaxtarget: inputs# [str] -> scale inputs. | other possible values: [outputs, all] # if you choose all then all values in the dataset will be scaled
# model definitionmodel:type: classification# [str] -> type of the problem you want to solve. | possible values: [regression, classification, clustering]algorithm: NeuralNetwork# [str (notice the pascal case)] -> which algorithm you want to use. | type igel algorithms in the Terminal to know morearguments:# model arguments: you can check the available arguments for each model by running igel help in your terminaluse_cv_estimator: false# [bool] -> if this is true, the CV class of the specific model will be used if it is supportedcross_validate:cv: # [int] -> number of kfold (default 5)n_jobs:# [signed int] -> The number of CPUs to use to do the computation (default None)verbose: # [int] -> The verbosity level. (default 0)
# target you want to predicttarget:# list of strings: basically put here the column(s), you want to predict that exist in your csv dataset- put the target you want to predict here- you can assign many target if you are making a multioutput prediction
支持所有机器学习 SOTA 模型(甚至包括预览版模型);
既能写入配置文件 , 又能提供灵活性和数据控制;
支持 yaml 和 json 格式;
支持不同的 sklearn 度量 , 进行回归、分类和聚类;
支持多输出 / 多目标回归和分类;
在并行模型构建时支持多处理 。
如前所示 , igel 支持回归、分类和聚类模型 , 包括我们熟悉的线性回归、贝叶斯回归、支持向量机、Adaboost、梯度提升等 。

igel 支持的回归、分类和聚类模型 。
为了让大家快速上手 igel , 项目作者在「README」文件中提供了详细的入门指南 。
运行以下命令可以获取 igel 的帮助信息:
$ igel --help
# or just
$ igel -h"""Take some time and read the output of help command. You ll save time later if you understand how to use igel."""

第一步是提供一份 yaml 文件(你也可以使用 json) 。 你可以手动创建一个. yaml 文件并自行编辑 。 但如何你很懒 , 也可以选择使用 igel init 命令来快速启动:
