吃喝攻略|博导神总结:读博失败的10个“作死”大法!切勿容易尝试( 三 )

5Go rogue too soon/too late
是被指导仍是给建议 , 读博时 , 导师和学生的角色会跟着课题研究的不断深入发生转变 。 研究的早期 , 指导老师应该手把手进行指导 , 匡助学生选定主题并助其成早期的论文 。 在研究的后期 , 学生对于课题的了解应当远胜于导师 。 一旦发生这种转变 , 学生应该开始走向“独立” , 开始学会自己选择主题 , 并开始着手撰写论文 。 即使她的导师坚持让她做别的事情 , 她也需要学会“独立” 。
在学生还没搞清楚如何选好题、开好题之前让她独立去选题 , 最后不光她交上来的论文是废纸一堆 , 导师也会被气个半死 。
另一方面来说 , 假如坚持要到某一个点以后才放手让学生去做选题 , 考虑到导师投入的时间和产出比 , 以及来之不易的资助 , 这会让导师压力倍增 , 精疲力竭 。
导师们期望毕业年级的博士研究生们能达到讲师(proto-professor)的水平——对自己研究领域的具有挑战性的题目非常认识 。 他们应该有能力去做好选题 , 并以合适的篇幅和视角去解答研究课题 。
The advisor-advisee dynamic needs to shift over the course of a degree. Early on, the advisor should be hands on, doling out specitic topics and helping to craft early papers.Toward the end, the student should know more than the advisor about her topic. Once the inversion happens, she needs to "go rogue" and start choosing the topics to investigate and initiating the paper write-ups. She needs to do so even if her advisor is insisting she do something else.
The trick is getting the timing right
Going rogue before the student knows how to choose good topics and write well will end in wasted paper submissions and a grumpy advisor.On the other hand, continuing to act only when ordered to act past a certain point will strain an advisor that expects to start seeing a "return" on an investment of time and hard-won grant money.
Advisors expect near-terminal Ph.D. students to be proto-professors with intimate knowledge of the challenges in their field. They should be capable of selecting and attacking research problems of appropriate size and scope.

6 Treat Ph.D. school like school or work
读博士既不是在上学 , 也不属于工作 。
读博是一种不断修行的体验过程 , 也是一项值得别人羡慕、令人嫉妒的经历 。 解决困难、完成一篇漂亮的论文获得同行的好评需要日以继夜的苦思冥想 。
你要以宗教般的狂热与虔诚看完所有相关研究的文献资料 , 博士研究生活生计甚至还意味着贫穷和听从 , 毕业时你才可能得到一件期待的博士服和一顶博士帽 。
那些把读博当做是朝九晚五在公司上班的研究生们 , 得花上至少7年才能获得学位 , 甚至只能拿到准博士(ABD) 。
Ph.D. school is neither school nor work.Ph.D. School is a monastic experience. And, a jealous hobby.Solving problems and writing up papers well enough to pass peer review demands contemplative labor on days, nights and weekends.
Reading through all of the related work takes biblical levels of devotion.Ph.D. school even comes with built-in vows of poverty and obedience.The end brings an ecclesiastical robe and a clerical hood.Students that treat Ph.D. school like a 9-5 endeavor are the ones that take 7+ years to finish, or end up ABD.
