​财迷‖“飞天保温瓶”或开启新工业革命( 四 )
Conclusions:结论:I hope this physics based approach byan engineer gives you enough perspective about the ways of thinking between Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.我希望这种基于物理学的方法可以使您对史蒂夫·乔布斯和埃隆·马斯克之间的思考方式有足够的认识 。Steve derived a lot of great conclusions by observations, iterations, practice and perfection and hard work.He built amazing products and changed the world.史蒂夫通过观察 , 迭代 , 实践和完善以及辛勤工作得出了很多很棒的结论 。 他制造了令人赞叹的产品并改变了世界 。Elon Musk cracked a lot of problems by thinking about the most fundamental truths and built his way upward with his relentless drive.伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)通过思考最基本的真理解决了许多问题 , 并以他不懈的努力向上攀登 。Both ways are nice, but my opinion is that the closer you are to fundamental physics, the closer you are to explain anything in the fewest possible words, the wider the applicability will be. So Elon Musk wins here! And wins really really big time.两种方法都不错 , 但是我认为您越接近基础物理学 , 就越可能用最少的词汇来解释任何事物 , 适用性就越广 。 所以埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在这里赢了!并赢得了非常重要的“时间” 。How did I use this in my own work life?我如何在自己的工作中使用它?There were several jobs I used to domanually, which used to consume a lot of engineering resources ~ tools,engineers, materials and so on.我以前曾手动完成几项工作 , 这些工作过去常常消耗大量的工程资源〜工具 , 工程师 , 材料等 。We came up with computational algorithms that automated a lot of these things. Then we optimized these algorithms to reduce the movement of molecules as much as possible.我们想出了使这些事情自动化的计算算法 。 然后 , 我们优化了这些算法 , 以尽可能减少分子的运动 。We gained about an order of magnitude gain in many things we do.在许多方面 , 我们获得了大约一个数量级的收益 。How did this change my life?这如何改变了我的生活?For every project I handle, I thinkabout molecular movement vs electron movement. That simply means building computer programs. As soon as a program is built, it can do that task infinitely, and I can single handed beat a team of 10 people trying to compete with me manually. Elon Musk has pretty much changed the way I think, and I feltcompelled to share it with quorans!对于我处理的每个项目 , 我都会考虑分子运动与电子运动 。 这仅意味着构建计算机程序 。 一旦构建了程序 , 它就可以无限地完成该任务 , 我可以单手击败一个由10个人组成的团队 , 尝试与我竞争 。 伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)改变了我的思维方式 , 我被迫与法定人数分享它!Stay blessed and stay inspired!保持蒙恩并保持灵感!THE END
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