
中国有句话叫:江山易改 , 本性难移 。 我们可能认为 , 人的个性是与生俱来的 , 好比生成内向或外向 。 但是科学家经由多年的研究发现 , 跟着时间流逝 , 人的个性会发生改变 , 短期内察觉不到 , 但长期来看很显著 。

Photo by Rostyslav Savchyn on Unsplash
Between adolescence and adulthood, you go through a host of changes — jobs, regrettable haircuts and relationships that come and go. But what about who you are at your core? As you grow older, does your personality change?
从青少年到成年 , 你经历了很多改变——换工作、失败的发型和恋情变迁 。 但是你本质上是一个什么样的人呢?跟着春秋增长 , 你的个性会改变吗?
Personality is the pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors unique to a person. People tend to think of personality as fixed. But according to psychologists, that"s not how it works. "Personality is a developmental phenomenon. It"s not just a static thing that you"re stuck with and can"t get over," said Brent Roberts, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
个性是一个人特有的思维、感觉和行为模式 。 人们往往以为个性是固定不变的 。 但是心理学家表示并非如此 。 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校的心理学家布伦特·罗伯茨说:“个性是一个发展的现象 。 它不是一个一成不变、挣脱不了的静态事物 。 ”
That"s not to say that you"re a different person each day you wake up. In the short term, change can be nearly imperceptible, Roberts told Live Science. Longitudinal studies, in which researchers survey the personalities of participants regularly over many years, suggest that our personality is actually stable on shorter time scales.
这不是说你天天早上醒来都是一个不同的人 。 罗伯茨告诉生命科学网站说 , 短期来看 , 改变几乎是察觉不到的 。 在延续多年的纵向研究中 , 研究职员对参与者的个性进行了按期调查 。 结果显示 , 实际上我们的个性在较短时间尺度内是不乱的 。
In one study, published in 2000 in the journal Psychological Bulletin, researchers analyzed the results of 152 longitudinal studies on personality, which followed participants ranging in age from childhood to their early 70s. Each of these studies measured trends in the Big Five personality traits. This cluster of traits, which include extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and neuroticism, are a mainstay of personality research. The researchers found that individuals" levels of each personality trait, relative to other participants, tended to stay consistent within each decade of life.
在一项2000年发表在《心理学公报》期刊上的研究中 , 研究职员分析了152项对个性的纵向研究 , 这些研究跟踪调查了从幼年到70岁出头各个年龄段的参与者 。 每项研究都测评了“大五人格”的倾向 。 “大五人格”包括外向性、亲和性、责任心、经验开放性和情绪稳定性 , 这些人格特质是个性研究的重要基础 。 研究职员发现 , 相对来说参与者的“大五人格”水平在每个十年内通常都是不乱的 。
That pattern of consistency begins around age 3, and perhaps even earlier, said Brent Donnellan, professor and chair of psychology at Michigan State University. When psychologists study children, they don"t measure personality traits in the same way they do for adults. Instead, they look at temperament — the intensity of a person"s reactions to the world. We come into the world with unique temperaments, and research suggests that our temperaments as children — for example, whether we"re easy going or prone to temper tantrums, eager or more reluctant to approach strangers — correspond to adult personality traits.
