|How to peel crayfish correctly
Crayfish, also known as xiaolongxia in Chinese, is generally served with mala flavor (Sichuan numbing pepper and hot chili) in China. It’s a popular dish, especially in summer. Crayfish is one of the most popular foods on the Chinese market.
With the advantages of water resources, many crayfish farms are developed at Pengze County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. With the collaboration between companies, farms, farmers and markets, the county has established a new rice-shrimp comprehensive breeding model. This promotes agricultural quality and brings economic benefits to the farmers. Local restaurants have developed dozens of different flavors in cooking crayfish, from spicy to the salty yolk taste.
To expertly eat xiaolongxia, you need to know how to peel it. Follow our steps and enjoy the meal!
【|How to peel crayfish correctly】(Produced by Yan Yiqiao, Lin Xiaoxi and Luo Meihui)
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