China|【Amazing China】想喝凉茶吗?自己做吧,诀窍都给你!
_原题为【Amazing China】想喝凉茶吗?自己做吧 , 诀窍都给你!
We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables.
我们去了当地的市场 , 看见了一排排摆放整齐的水果和蔬菜 。
请用 minus翻译下面的句子
电影公司垮了 , 克里斯没了工作 , 也失去了他一生的积蓄 。
听音频 , 看文字 , 学英语
Tea drinking is a lifestyle, but how to enjoy tea without the heat in summertime? The simple answer is adding ice into hot tea to turn down the temperature, or chilling the tea in the fridge. But there are flaws with these two solutions: The ice used to cool down the tea will also dilutethe beverage, and it takes quite a few hours for the tea to cool in the fridge as hot items are not supposed to be put in there right away.
喝茶是一种生活方式 , 但如何在夏季喝到凉茶那?简单的方法是在热茶中加入冰块来降温 , 或者在冰箱中冷却 。 但这两种方法都有缺点:用冰来冷却茶时 , 冰会化掉 , 这会稀释茶的味道 , 用冰箱的话 , 要等几个小时让茶冷却 , 因为热的东西不能马上放进去 。
flaw [fl??]
n. 瑕疵 , 缺点;一阵狂风;短暂的风暴;裂缝 , 裂纹
v. 使生裂缝 , 使有裂纹;使无效;使有缺陷
vi. 生裂缝;变得有缺陷
There were, however, a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory...
但是 , 他的货币理论中存在若干关键性错误 。
The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.
他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急 。
dilute [da??lu?t; da??lju?t]
v. 稀释 , 冲淡;削弱;变稀薄 , 变淡
adj. 稀释的;淡的;(颜色、光线)浅的
Luckily, there are simpler ways to enjoy tea minusthe heat and without compromising on the flavor.
幸运的是 , 有一些更简单的方法可以让你在享受凉茶的同时又不影响茶的味道 。
minus [?ma?n?s]
prep. 减 , 减去;零下;(非正式)无 , 欠缺(曾经有过的东西)
n. 减号 , 负号;(非正式)负数 , 负值;(非正式)缺点 , 不足
I'm giving him a B minus.
我准备给他一个B减 。
Cold brew tea
Cold brew tea has been the trending beverage for a few summers, and with good reason. First, it’s a simple one-step, one-ingredient recipe of dropping tea bags into room temperature water and chilling in the fridge overnight. The next morning, a refreshing tea drink is ready to be enjoyed with breakfast or on the go.
冷泡茶已经成为过去几个夏天的潮饮料 , 原因是只需简单的一步 , 配方也只需要一个 , 只是把茶袋扔进室温的水中 , 然后在冰箱里冷藏一夜就可以了 。 第二天早上 , 一杯清爽的茶饮准备好了 , 早餐或边走边喝都可以 。
on the go
边走边喝 , 忙个不停 , 四处奔走
To choose the right tea product for the job, we start from the materials used to make the tea bags. Traditional flat, rectangular tea bags are made of filter paper. They are fine when steeped in hot water and be removed after a few minutes, but keeping the tea bags in water for hours can be a challenge and there’s a good chance of all the loose tea dropping into the water and ruining the beverage, which of course can be saved by filtering through a coffee filter but that’s just extratrouble.
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