博士|如何才能写出一篇高质量Literature Review?
_原题为 如何才能写出一篇高质量Literature Review?
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怎么写一篇高质量的Literature Review
PhD的同学们更是要注重LR ,
同时在正文的撰写中 ,
critical engagement也是必不可少的元素 。
首先 , 什么是critical engagement?
它指的是运用你的批判性思维进行写作 ,
你的文章应该同时包括 ,
描述性写作(deive writing)和
批判写作(critical writing) 。
在写作过程中 ,
(lower-order thinking skills)
比如总结和呈报 ,
( summarizing and reporting)
(higher-order thinking skills)
(analyzing or critiquing)
Summarizing 总结
- A summary is a condensed version of a larger reading. The purpose of a summary is to accurately describe the main points and the important details of the piece in your own words, so that someone who has not read the text could understand it. Summaries give a broad overview of the original material, focusing on the who/what/where/when/why and major takeaways. Your job is to interpret the text for your reader.
- Summaries should be fairly short and significantly shorter than the work itself. If your summary is close to the overall length of the work, chances are you are simply paraphrasing the majority of the work rather than summarizing. If the summary is too short, then you probably missed some important points.
- While you read, write down the central points of each section in your own words. Write down the key support points for the main topic, but do not include minor detail. Then use these notes to help you write your summary.
- Early on, you may want to use this formula to identify the title, author, and source of the piece: "In "Title of the Piece", author's name (year)argues/claims/reports/contends/maintains/states/shows that: main idea/argument. The author supports the main idea by using ... and showing that ... ."
- For a one-paragraph summary, discuss each supporting point in a separate sentence. Give one or two explanations for each supporting point, summarizing the information from the original. For a multi-paragraph summary, discuss each supporting point in a separate paragraph. Introduce it in the first sentence (topic sentence).
- Always use present tense to discuss the essay and facts from the essay.
- Use direct quotes from the text or paraphrase examples to support your claims. Paraphrasing should be done more than quoting, which should be kept to a minimum. Quoting can be effective with unique language that is hard to paraphrase or when you want to highlight an important point of the argument. Visit this page to learn about the differences between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
- Do not interject your personal opinion into a summary and avoid using the first person ("I" statements). The material should be presented in a neutral fashion and should fairly represent the author's ideas. Save your ideas and interpretations of the material for your analysis.
- Consider writing a main point summary, key points summary, or outline summary
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