有人知道澳大利亚国立大学master of studies到底是啥专业吗

The Master of Studies is a flexible option for graduate studies at ANU for students whose needs are not met by following a program of study in a single academic discipline. Subject to meeting course entry requirements, you will be able to select courses from across the graduate course offerings available, allowing you to structure your studies and direct your learning in a way that meets your academic, personal and professional interests and enables you to develop skills and expertise in a range of learning areas, for example, a combination of courses in art history, environmental science, finance and management.不用我翻译了吧?哦哦哦,可能亲比较懒好吧,长话短说——你现在还达不到某一个专业的硕士入学要求,修一个这个桥梁课程吧
CASS The Master of Studies is a flexible option for graduate studies at ANU for students whose needs are not met by following a program of study in a single academic discipline.
以上是官网信息,这里强调一下,不是桥梁课程,而是为了给学生有不同专业选择设计的一个专业。比较难得一点是,这个专业的同学需要上两门research的课,这个是给准备读博士的人准备的,研究性课程,含金量很高。也比较谨慎去选择,因为难度较大。 国内没有这种专业的设置,但是这个专业的同学自行搭配要选的课,上的课比如会计的 和会计同学也可以是几乎一样的,也可以免考CPA课程,是一个比较需要勇气和毅力的专业。 读下来的话 也是有很好的发展的。
【有人知道澳大利亚国立大学master of studies到底是啥专业吗】 这不是什么桥梁课程,这个课程应该类似于美式的研究生的课程需要完成2个thesis才可以毕业。个人感觉这个可能含金量是高于普通的澳洲研究生的。如果还想继续读博的可以去试一试。下面是wiki上对于master of studies的解释
TheMaster of Studies(renderedM.St.orMSt) is a postgraduate degree at theUniversity of Oxford,University of Cambridge, theAustralian National University,University of Dublinand theUniversity of Newcastle. Depending on the degree, it is comparable to theMaster of Laws,Master of Arts,Master of ScienceandMaster of Philosophy. Its creation was necessitated, in part, by the fact that theMaster of Artsdegree at Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin is essentially an honorary degree automatically awarded to graduates after a certain period of time, a remnant of modes of instruction used during the Middle Ages. In contrast, the Master of Studies requires completion of classroom study and athesis.
