智性英语|《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)第11期 | 听读原著
北京联盟_本文原题:《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)第11期 | 听读原著
【智性英语|《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)第11期 | 听读原著】I doubted not- never doubted-that if Mr. Reed had been alive he would have treated me kindly.
我不怀疑—一也从来没有怀疑过 — 里德先生要是在世 , 一定会待我很好 。
A singular notion dawned upon me.
我忽然闪过一个古怪的念头 。
I doubted not- never doubted-that if Mr. Reed had been alive he would have treated me kindly.
我不怀疑—一也从来没有怀疑过 — 里德先生要是在世 , 一定会待我很好 。
And now, as I sat looking at the white bed and overshadowed walls-occasionally also turning a fascinated eye towards the dimly gleaming mirror,
此刻 , 我坐着 , 一面打量着白白的床和影影绰绰的墙 , 不时还用经不住诱惑的目光 , 瞟一眼泛着微光的镜子 ,
I began to recall what I had heard of dead men, troubled in their graves by the violation of their last wishes,
不由得忆起了关于死人的种种传闻 。 据说由于人们违背了他们临终的嘱托 , 他们在坟墓里非常不安 ,
revisiting the earth to punish the perjured and avenge the oppressed.
于是便重访人间 , 严惩发假誓的人 , 并为受压者报仇 。
And I thought Mr. Reed's spirit, harassed by the wrongs of his sister's child,
我思忖 , 里德先生的幽灵为外甥女的冤屈所动 ,
might quit its abode- whether in the church vault or in the unknown world of the departed, and rise before me in this chamber.
会走出居所 , 不管那是教堂的墓穴 , 还是死者无人知晓的世界 , 来到这间房子 , 站在我面前 。
I wiped my tears and hushed my sobs, fearful lest any sign of violent grief might waken a preternatural voice to comfort me,
我抹去眼泪 , 忍住哭泣 , 担心嚎啕大哭会惊动什么不可知的声音来抚慰我 ,
or elicit from the gloom some haloed face, bending over me with strange pity.
或者在昏暗中召来某些带光环的面孔 , 露出奇异怜悯的神色 , 俯身对着我 。
This idea, consolatory in theory, I felt would be terrible if realised.
这念头听起来很令人欣慰 , 不过要是真的做起来 , 想必会非常可怕 。
With all my might I endeavoured to stifle it-I endeavoured to be firm.
我使劲不去想它 , 抬起头来 , 大着胆子环顾了一下暗洞洞的房间 。
Shaking my hair from my eyes, I lifted my head and tried to look boldly round the dark room.
抬起头来 , 大着胆子环顾了一下暗洞洞的房间 。
At this moment a light gleamed on the wall.
就在这时 , 墙上闪过一道亮光 。
Was it, I asked myself, a ray from the moon penetrating some aperture in the blind?
我问自己 , 会不会是一缕月光 , 透过百叶窗的缝隙照了进来?
No, moonlight was still, and this stirred.
不 , 月光是静止的 , 而这透光却是流动的 。
While I gazed, it glided up to the ceiling and quivered over my head.
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