拜登、盖茨、奥巴马……推特大V们突然集体被盗号,只有特朗普的例外……( 三 )


面对如此情形 , 推特CEO杰克多西周三发推直言 , “这是艰难的一天 。 ”

In a tweet on Wednesday, CEO Jack Dorsey said it was a "tough day for us at Twitter."

“我们对此感觉很糟糕 , 我们正在诊断问题 , 当我们对此事有一个更完整了解的时候 , 我们会把一切分享给大家 。 ”

"We all feel terrible this happened," Dorsey said. "We're diagnosing and will share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened."


推特技术支持团队于15日晚发布声明表示:“监测到协作的带有‘社交工程’色彩的网络攻击 ,此次攻击的发起方通过协同配合 , 成功对准了若干名推特内部员工 , 而这些员工具备进入内网系统的权限及网络工具” 。 推特在注意到这一情况后 , 立即锁定了受影响的帐号 , 移除了相关内容 。 “我们锁定了暴露给黑客的账户 , 只有当确认安全后 , 我们才会让账户原主人登录 。 ”

"We detected what we believe to be a coordinated social engineering attack by people who successfully targeted some of our employees with access to internal systems and tools," Twitter's support team said late Wednesday. "Once we became aware of the incident, we immediately locked down the affected accounts and removed Tweets posted by the attackers," Twitter said. "We have locked accounts that were compromised and will restore access to the original account owner only when we are certain we can do so securely."


而在推特解决事件期间 , 有些用户不能正常发推或者进行重置密码操作 。


据《纽约时报》报道 , 目前尚未得知攻击的始作俑者 。 不过 , 一位美国高级情报官员注意到 , 众多名人帐号纷纷中招 , 但是在推特上“备受关注且有权有势的”一人却没有受到波及:那就是美国总统特朗普 。 因为特朗普帐号采用了特殊的加密解密手段 。

There was little immediate evidence for who conducted the attack. One senior American intelligence official noted that the breach did not affect the account of one of the most watched and powerful users of Twitter: U.S President Trump. Trump’s account is under a special kind of lock-and-key, the official noted.

此外 , 美国联邦调查局已经开始调查这一事件 。


美国参议院商务委员会则要求推特在23日前就此事件做出相关说明 。
