大城市应为病毒扩散“背锅”?疫情防控并不是地理问题( 八 )


6.Elek Pafka. As coronavirus forces us to keep our distance, city density matters less than internal density. May 13, 2020, https://theconversation.com/as-coronavirus-forces-us-to-keep-our-distance-city-density-matters-less-than-internal-density-137790


7.Joacim Rockl?v, & Henrik Sj?din. High population densities catalyse the spread of COVID-19, Journal of Travel Medicine, Volume 27, Issue 3, April 2020, taaa038, https://doi.org/10.1093/jtm/taaa038


8.Shima Hamidi, Sadegh Sabouri & Reid Ewing (2020) Does Density Aggravate the COVID-19 Pandemic?, Journal of the American Planning Association, DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2020.1777891


编辑:李碧莹   校对:吴兴发

