智性英语|《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)第8期 | 静听原著
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《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)第8期
Out of these deep surrounding shades rose high, and glared white,
床上高高地叠着褥垫和枕头 , 上面铺着雪白的马赛布床罩 ,
the piled-up mattresses and pillows of the bed, spread with a snowy Marseilles counterpane.
在周围深色调陈设的映衬下 , 白得眩目 。
Scarcely less prominent was an ample cushioned easy-chair near the head of the bed, also white,
几乎同样显眼的是床头边一把铺着坐垫的大安乐椅 , 一样的白色 ,
with a footstool before it; and looking, as I thought, like a pale throne.
前面还放着一只脚凳 , 在我看来 , 它像一个苍白的宝座 。
This room was chill, because it seldom had a fire.
房子里难得生火 , 所以很冷 。
It was silent, because remote from the nursery and kitchens.
因为远离保育室和厨房 , 所以很静 。
Solemn, because it was known to be so seldom entered.
又因为谁都知道很少有人进去 , 所以显得庄严肃穆 。
The housemaid alone came here on Saturdays, to wipe from the mirrors and the furniture a week's quiet dust.
只有女佣每逢星期六上这里来 , 把一周内静悄悄落在镜子上和家具上的灰尘抹去 。
And Mrs. Reed herself, at far intervals, visited it to review the contents of a certain secret drawer in the wardrobe,
还有里德太太本人 , 隔好久才来一次 , 查看大橱里某个秘密抽屉里的东西 。
where were stored divers parchments, her jewel-casket, and a miniature of her deceased husband.
这里存放着各类羊皮文件 , 她的首饰盒 , 以及她已故丈夫的肖像 。
And in those last words lies the secret of the red-room, the spell which kept it so lonely in spite of its grandeur.
上面提到的最后几句话 , 给红房子带来了一种神秘感 , 一种魔力 , 因而它虽然富丽堂皇 , 却显得分外凄清 。
Mr. Reed had been dead nine years. It was in this chamber he breathed his last. Here he lay in state.
里德先生死去已经九年了 , 他就是在这间房子里咽气的 。 他的遗体在这里让人瞻仰 。
Hence his coffin was borne by the undertaker's men.
他的棺材由殡葬工人从这里抬走 。
And, since that day, a sense of dreary consecration had guarded it from frequent intrusion.
从此之后 , 这里便始终弥漫着一种阴森森的祭奠氛围 , 所以不常有人闯进来 。
My seat, to which Bessie and the bitter Miss Abbot had left me riveted, was a low ottoman near the marble chimney-piece.
贝茜和刻薄的艾博特小姐让我一动不动坐着的 , 是一条软垫矮凳 , 摆在靠近大理石壁炉的地方 。
The bed rose before me; to my right hand there was the high, dark wardrobe, with subdued, broken reflections varying the gloss of its panels.
我面前是高耸的床 , 我右面是黑漆漆的大橱 , 橱上柔和、斑驳的反光 , 使镶板的光泽摇曳变幻 。
To my left were the muffled windows; a great looking-glass between them repeated the vacant majesty of the bed and room.
我左面是关得严严实实的窗子 , 两扇窗子中间有一面大镜子 , 映照出床和房间的空旷和肃穆 。
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