and|@所有大厨,你所在的餐厅酒店报名“2020年度中国酒单大奖”了吗?( 二 )
中国年度酒单大奖一直与中国的主流葡萄酒媒体保持深度合作 。 2014年 , 酒斛网成为该奖项的股东之一 。 2020年 , 《侍酒师画报》正式作为官方合作媒体加入中国年度酒单大奖 。
奖项将由优秀的独立且公正的酒单评委进行评选 , 由来自国际及中国的备受尊敬的葡萄酒从业、葡萄酒服务业、及葡萄酒评论方面的专家组成 , 并由葡萄酒作家、评论家、25年酒单大奖资深人士Peter Forrestal以及全球侍酒大师公会(Court of Master Sommeliers)的创始人兼主席Brian Julyan MS两位联合主席监督 。
评委团还邀请了其他侍酒师大师—包括前亚洲/大洋洲区最佳侍酒师 , 加上葡萄酒大师、中国侍酒师协会委员会顾问、统筹委员会顾问、来自中国及全球区域出版社的葡萄酒作家和评论家 。
在今天 , 曾经的获奖者名单读起来像是一本“名人录” , 是一本能让消费者在全国杰出餐厅、酒店、酒吧、咖啡厅、酒馆、俱乐部、航空公司中选出杰出葡萄酒单的“地图指南” , 为提高国家葡萄酒单标准做出贡献 , 同时也鼓励、表彰了杰出的侍酒师人才 。接下来 , 我们会陆续回顾过往获奖餐厅、酒店与侍酒师 。
Leading experts from China and around the world come together each year to seek out and recognise and reward greater China’s Best Wine Lists!
Established in 1994, the Wine List of the Year Awards were introduced by Tucker Seabrook (Established 1838) to recognise and reward the best quality wine lists each year in particular regions and countries. In 2012, Rob Hirst of Tucker Seabrook, the founders of the Wine List of the Year Awards and Tommy Lam the founder of the China National Sommelier Competition, and the China National Young Sommelier Team Competition, launched Greater China’s first Wine List Awards - China’s Wine List of the Year Awards and 2013 was the first year of Judging.
In 2014, Vinehoo joined as a shareholder with the Awards and over the years the Awards have now developed into the most recognised and respected Wine List Awards in greater China today.
In 2020, Sommelier Press joined the China Awards as the Awards official Media Partner.
Also, by 2020 China’s Wine List of the Year Awards, now includes more than 30 special awards recognising Glass winners from over 60 provinces and municipalities across greater China.
Now, as one of the most anticipated events on greater China’s Hospitality and Tourism industry’s annual calendar, these prestigious awards have contributed significantly to the lifting of the standard of the nation’s Wine Lists, at the same time recognising and rewarding the talents of many of the nation’s best sommeliers.
China's Wine List of the Year Award’s mission is to seek out, assess, recognise and reward the very best Wine Lists of greater China's finest restaurants, hotels, cafes, brasseries and bistros, pubs, wine bars and clubs – large and small, plus Airlines and Cruise Ships and their Owners / Managers and Sommeliers.
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