
要知道什么是微生物组,不得不提“组”和“组学”的概念。“组”指的是生物学中一类研究对象的总称。而“组学”就是对这一类对象进行系统性研究的学科。所以说,微生物组学就是对某一特定环境中全部微生物的总和进行系统性研究并研究其之间的相互作用。某一特定环境(比如说人类体内)中全部微生物,包括其DNA序列等遗传信息,的总和,便是微生物组。更多的内容可以参考这篇文章Life Science Technologies: Microbiomics: The Germ Theory of Everything。特别是开头,我认为写得很好,这样一个类比让微生物组学顿时有种高大上且富有革命性的感觉。In the 19th century, some biologists began espousing an apparently absurd theory: that diseases were caused not by poor hygiene and foul vapors, as everyone knew they were, but by organisms too small to see with the naked eye. Pioneering researchers working on this strange idea developed sterile culture techniques, improved microscopes, and created other cutting-edge tools. Gradually, their results convinced their colleagues that the new germ theory of disease, odd as it seemed, was true.
【啥是微生物组】 In the 21st century, some biologists have begun espousing an even more absurd theory: that humans and other macroorganisms are not individual entities, as everyone knows they are, but complete ecosystems dependent on billions of microbes. Pioneering researchers working on this unusual idea have developed novel sampling strategies, powerful new gene sequencing and data analysis techniques, and other innovative technologies. Gradually, their results are convincing a new generation of scientists that the microbiomic theory of life, odd as it seems, may be true.
