
谢邀根据Nespresso官网的FAQ关于铝制胶囊部分 有两点Why has Nespresso chosen aluminium capsules?Nespresso opted for aluminum for its preserving qualities that completely protect the ground coffee from air and light. As a result, our consumers are able to savour the full richness and quality of the aromas and flavours of the freshly roasted and ground coffee with each and every cup. Nespresso is moreover committed towards environmentally-friendly practices through the recycling of its used capsules. Switzerland has a unique network of 1190 collection points. The aluminium, a 100% and infinitely recyclable material, is melted down and reused in other high quality products. The coffee grounds are used as fertiliser."Isn\u0026#39;t the aluminium capsule dangerous to health?"Not at all. Nespresso aluminium capsule is coated with a food-grade lacquer to prevent any contact between the aluminium and the ground coffee. 第一个是环境保护的,第二部分提到铝制胶囊本身有食品级涂层,避免了研磨咖啡和金属铝的直接接触。以上
【胶囊咖啡机的铝制胶囊会否对人体造成伤害】 应该会引起重金属中毒,插了28个洞啊。什么涂层都没有。图层本身呢?确定无毒吗?
