
据新华社报道 , 弗洛伊德的葬礼9日在其“家乡”——美国南部得克萨斯州休斯敦举行 。 弗洛伊德在那里长大并度过生命中的大部分时光 。 两周前 , 弗洛伊德在明尼阿波利斯因警察暴力执法身亡 。 The funeral of African American George Floyd was held Tuesday in the southern U.S. city of Houston, where he grew up and spent most of his life, two weeks after his tragic death in police custody in Minneapolis.
葬礼于上午11时在当地一座教堂开始 , 500多名来宾参加 , 另有数千民众以其他方式向弗洛伊德做最后告别 。 出席葬礼的还有弗洛伊德的家人 , 美国非裔民权运动领导人阿尔沙普顿 , 休斯敦非裔市长希尔维斯特特纳等 。 悼念者戴着口罩 , 彼此保持社交距离走进教堂致哀 。 马车则将弗洛伊德的金色棺木送往墓地 。 为什么在美国,十万人不如一人?美国小伙拍的这个视频火了
6月9日 , 在美国得克萨斯州休斯敦 , 人们在举行弗洛伊德葬礼的教堂外献花 。 新华社发(劳承跃摄) 图源:新华网


葬礼上播放的一段简短录像记录了弗洛伊德生前场景 , 以及他死后美国各地爆发的大规模抗议集会活动 。 A short film was played at the funeral, showing a montage of Floyd's photos depicting his life and also the protests around the world following his death.
沙普顿在致悼词时说:“上帝带走了这块被抛弃的石头(弗洛伊德) , 却把他作为一场改变整个世界的运动的基石 。 ”Civil Right Activist Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at the funeral."God took the rejected stone and made him the cornerstone of a movement that's going to change the whole wide world," Sharpton said.
“你的家人会想念你 , 你的国家会永远记住你的名字 。 你的脖颈如同我们所有人的脖颈一样 , 我们与你感同身受 。 ”"Your family is going to miss you George, but your nation is going to always remember your name. Because your neck was one that represents all of us, and how you suffered is how we all suffer," he added.
美国前副总统拜登则通过录像向弗洛伊德致哀 。 “为何在这个国家 , 非裔美国人会在日常生活中就无端丧命?”拜登在视频中说 , “当乔治弗洛伊德之死一事得到公正处理 , 我们就朝着美国的种族平等迈出了一步 。 ”In a pre-recorded video broadcast at the funeral, former Vice President Joe Biden, Biden said, "Why in this nation do too many black Americans wake up knowing they could lose their life in the course of just living their life?... When there is justice for George Floyd, we will truly be on our way to racial justice in America."
美国休斯敦市市长表示 , 将下令对警察系统进行整改 , 包括:禁止使用手或器械“锁喉”和开枪前需发出警告等 。 他在讲话中还宣布将6月9日当天设立为“乔治弗洛伊德日” 。 Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner announced at the funeral that he will sign an executive order banning the city police from using chokeholds and strangleholds. He declared June 9 as "George Floyd Day" in the city.
