|JACS | 神奇:天然DNA有希望取代石油做塑料( 三 )

|JACS | 神奇:天然DNA有希望取代石油做塑料

Figure 4. Gas-triggered functional composite membranes made from biomass DNA. (A) A large-scale preparation of biomass DNA hydrogel membrane triggered by ammonia. (B–I) Photographs of biomass DNA composite membranes with SWCNT, GO, Au nanoparticles, iron oxide particles, nanoclays, PEDOT:PSS, PDA, and Tb3+, respectively. (J) A fluorescence image of DNA-SWCNT composite membrane stained by GelRed. (K) A fluorescence image of DNA-Tb3+ composite membrane. (L) A laser confocal microscopic image of DNA-SWCNT composite membrane stained by GelRed. (M and N) Cross-sectional SEM images of DNA-SWCNT and DNA-iron oxide particles composite membrane, respectively. (O and P) A photograph and a fluorescence image (GelRed), respectively, of a pattern consisting of groups of diamond-shaped holes by a negative etching of a DNA-SWCNT membrane. (Q and R) A photograph and a fluorescence image, respectively, of a positive pattern consisting of groups of diamond shapes by spraying Tb3+ solution on a masked DNA membrane. (S and T) A photograph and a fluorescence image, respectively, of a four-component biomass DNA flower fused together. (U) The DNA flower closed by applying a magnetic field. (scale bars: 1 cm). (图片来源:JACS)

|JACS | 神奇:天然DNA有希望取代石油做塑料

DNA薄膜 。 图片来源:JACS
最后研究人员将天然DNA转化为日常生活中常见的塑料制品比如电线的绝缘皮、拼图玩具和勺子 。 这进一步验证了天然DNA可以作为一种可再生可降解的天然资源用于取代石油化学产品的可行性和巨大潜力 。
|JACS | 神奇:天然DNA有希望取代石油做塑料

Figure 5. Demonstration of biomass DNA plastic objects. (A) Biomass DNA-coated copper wires. (B and C) Insulating biomass DNA coatings switched a circuit on and off, respectively. (D) Biomass DNA T-puzzle toys. (E) A biomass DNA spoon. All of the colors were from food dyes except that of the spoon (E), which was a natural color. (图片来源:JACS)

|JACS | 神奇:天然DNA有希望取代石油做塑料

DNA制备的七巧板玩具 。 图片来源:JACS
总之 , 上述研究结果显示天然DNA具有多方面的材料开发能力和多功能性 , 能被制作成许多原本由石化原料制造的产品 。 某些方面还显示了石化产品不具备的功能 , 包括可降解性以及生物功能 。 这些发现为未来整个石化产品资源消耗引起的资源匮乏和环境污染等问题提供了一个可持续、经济、吸引人的新型解决方案 。
Transformation of Biomass DNA into Biodegradable Materials from Gels to Plastics for Reducing Petrochemical Consumption
Dong Wang, Jinhui Cui, Mingzhe Gan, Zhaohui Xue, Jing Wang, Peifeng Liu, Yue Hu, Yehudah Pardo, Shogo Hamada, Dayong Yang*, Dan Luo*
【|JACS | 神奇:天然DNA有希望取代石油做塑料】J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2020, 142, 10114-10124, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c02438
