上大巴黎时装艺术学院2020消费潮流( 二 )
We’re all still working towards sustainability in 2020 only it’s more of a starting point and a prerequisite rather than a trend. Millennials are also included in this influence on consumer behavior as they continue on the journey to self care, support the wellness industry and surround themselves with all things organic, pure and green. Plant based lifestyles are also lumped in here, influencing fashion brands to really up the ante on their vegan leather, sustainable skins and cellulose fibers. Almost every month we see an announcement from another brand, declaring they are going fur or leather free and we’re sure this will continue to grow in popularity as the year goes on.
Immersive Technology
技术是另一个影响消费者行为的因素 。 已经有很多时装和美妆品牌在店铺和试衣间使用具有交互功能的镜子 。 虚拟现实 , 增强现实和Snapchat游戏也越来越多 , 眼下消费者对这种消费体验还不太熟悉 , 用不了多久 ,他们这方面的需求就会越来越多 。 在这种技术热潮中 , 如果购物带来的新鲜和娱乐性不够 , 一步错过 , 步步皆输 。
Technology is certainly an influencing trend for consumer spending and we’ve already seen this from the fashion and beauty brands using interactive mirrors in their stores and fitting rooms. Virtual reality, augmented reality and Snapchat gaming are all on the increase and while at present, consumers don’t necessarily expect these kind of shopping experiences but it won’t be before long they do. Anything less could become lost in the technology buzz and not provide the same level of excitement and entertainment from their shopping experience.
The Burnout
我们生活在一种焦虑的文化中 , 由此带来了我们可以大有作为的全新产品和服务 , 焦虑文化是指当今社会带来的压力 , 可能是因为你做了三份工作也没经济上的安全感 , 或者一边忙于学习 , 一边还要工作 , 兼职工作 , 社交 , 开导刚离婚的玛丽阿姨 , 所有这些都让你焦头乱额 , 焦虑是每个人都会有的 , 因此消费者会寻找可以让他们感觉良好的产品和时装 。 柔软舒适的面料 , 放松保健类的产品更适合他们享受闲暇时光 。
we’re living in a burn out culture and with it brings a whole new category of products and services that can be filled. The burn out culture refers to feeling burned out by the pressures of today’s society which can be anything from working three jobs and still not being financially secure, to taking on too many personal projects while trying to study at school, work part time, have a social life and support aunt Mary through her divorce. Burnout is a very real thing for many people and so consumers will be looking for products and fashion that makes them feel good, soft and tender fabrics for taking time out for themselves as well as calming and restorative products.
Holding The Same Values
- 关晓彤|关晓彤登上纽约时装周,与金智秀意外撞衫,相差2岁气质就是不同
- 时装Linda|汤唯不愧是个美人胚,白色衬衫+黑色半身裙,女性魅力尽显
- 世界时装之苑ELLE|马伊琍,你昂起下巴的样子真美
- 前瞻网|进度缓慢!巴黎圣母院广场1年后重新对外开放 内部开放至少还要4年
- 娱众不同|张雪迎现身巴黎看秀,脚下高筒靴抢镜,网友:这是要去插秧吗?
- 时装周刊|刘晓庆虽有老人样,但穿上短裙露出膝盖,看着就很年轻!
- 世界时装之苑ELLE|他今年20岁,但他的人生已经开了挂
- 巴黎|在阳光下重遇巴黎
- 时装Linda|让脚指也“戴戒指”恋爱吧!时尚创意的套趾高跟凉鞋,今夏最美搭
- 绯色侃球|藏在东北的“小巴黎”:以冰雕闻名于世界,经济实力不输沈阳