生物实验室美国这所生物实验室为何关闭又重开?实验室安全管理的秘密是什么?( 二 )
Most of the records in Detrick were destroyed in 1973. Some of its secrets have been revealed in declassified documents, through interviews and as a result of congressional investigations. Together, those sources reveal Detrick's central role in MK-ULTRA.
为了解更多生物实验室安全的问题 , 采访人员采访了知名高校的免疫学教授王路 , 他非常耐心地回答了以下问题:
How to store infectious materials?
实验室的感染性材料要使用专门的容器收集 , 并放置在专门的区域 , 要经过无害化处理后 , 交到专门的感染性垃圾处理部门统一处理 。
Infectious materials from a lab are collected in specially designed containers and stored in a designated area, and later treated and then delivered to the specialized infectious waste disposal unit for processing.
What are the possible loopholes that could cause a leakage in contaminant agents?
相关工作人员培训不充分或者疏忽大意 , 未严格执行相关的规章制度或者操作规程;部分原因是容器或者设备老旧或者故障 , 不能达到密闭或者无害化处理的条件 。
Leaks could be caused by staff who are undertrained or simply careless failing to adhere to proper procedures. Leaks might also be caused by the wear and tear or malfunctioning of containers or equipment. Faulty containers or equipment then do not seal properly or fail to meet the treatment requirements might discharge harmful materials into the environment.
人为操作和硬件设备 , 哪方面更可能引起污染源泄露?
Which factor would likely contribute more to a leak, human error or equipment malfunction?
一般来说 , 人为的因素更多一些 , 特别是个别研究机构中 , 大量使用未经严格培训的研究生和其他临时聘用人员进行有感染风险的实验研究 , 更容易出现泄露和污染的问题 。
Generally speaking, there are more incidents caused by human error. Especially in certain science institutes, where studies and experiments of infectious risks are largely undertaken by graduate students and short-term employees, leakages and contaminations are common.
作为相关从业人员 , 最需要注意的是什么?
As a lab staff, what should one pay attention to most regarding safety?
作为从业人员必须严格按照相关规定进行操作 , 绝不能心存侥幸 , 疏忽大意 。 操作时要注意检查相关设备的安全性和可靠性 , 不要怕麻烦 。
You should always follow the safety procedure instructions strictly, avoid carelessness at all costs. Always check the safety and integrity of hardware equipment before each operation.
您在主编相关教程时 , 是如何突出安全理念的?
You were one of the authors of a book on biolab experiment. Can you talk about the main idea you tried to get across in the book?
我主编过的教程里有涉及生物安全的内容 。 突出的理念就是 , 安全重于一切 , 凡是涉及生物技术实验 , 无论教学还是研究 , 首先要保证操作者、环境和公众的安全 , 要严格按照安全规定操作 , 认真执行安全管理规范 。
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