【二夫二妻制的家庭和世界会怎么样】 剧情介绍:
After the ultra sophisticated couple, Bob (a filmmaker) and wife, Carol attend a secluded therapy group (only to observe) they become modernized in their sexual thinking and behavior. Can Bob and Carol\u0026#39;s new thinking rub off onto best friends, Ted and Alice?
Documentary film-maker Bob Saunders and his wife Carol attend a group therapy session that serves as the backdrop for the opening scenes of the film. Returning to their Los Angeles home, the newly "enlightened" couple chastise their closest friends, Ted and Alice, for not coming to grips with their true feelings. Bob insists that everyone "feel" rather than intellectualize their emotions, and Carol pronounces "that\u0026#39;s beautiful" after anyone says anything even remotely personal. Ted and Alice humor their friends, but it is obvious that there is a good-natured sexual tension at work within the foursome.
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- 单亲家庭的孩子为啥会受到歧视?
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- 在长三角地区家庭牛排有消费潜力和市场吗?如果有,能提一些推广的建议吗