留美大学生深情表白祖国:当海外华人无法回家,家来到我们身边( 五 )
两年后的今天 , 我在演讲中提到的变化迎来了反转 。 在新冠疫情爆发之际 , 火车停驶 , 飞机停飞 , 边境关闭 , 学校停课……在我居住的地方 , 一个月来 , 生活尽是各种对比:以前坐在身旁的同学现在需要通过视频见面;在虚拟教室里 , 摄像头成了新的怯场对象;路上人少了 , 但因为需要保持社交距离 , 银行和超市的排队时间比以前还要长;超市里曾经很容易找到的商品也突然开始变得稀缺 。
We’re all trying very hard to remain positive, which is difficult to do when you’re confronted with something as insidious and horrible as COVID-19. Like many other Chinese students here in Monterey, I chose to stay here – or as it’s called locally, “shelter in place” – as the semester continued and any dim chance of getting a flight back to China became dimmer still.
大家都在尽自己所能保持乐观 , 尽管这很难 , 因为新冠疫情来势汹汹 。 像许多在蒙特雷的中国学生一样 , 我选择留在这里 , 或者就像当地人说的“就地避难” 。 毕竟 , 课程还在继续 , 买到一张回国的机票更是难上加难 。
For me, at first glance COVID-19 seemed less like a wake-up call than a nasty slap across the face – a virus posing a systemic threat to the world and showing how powerless we seem to be as individual global citizens. Yes, less travel and efficient social distancing seem to be bringing this pandemic under control, but they also seem to be tearing this world apart. Some critics have even warned that COVID-19 spells the end of globalization. So are distancing and separation really doing what they’re supposed to do?
对我来说 , 新冠病毒似乎不只是一个警钟 , 更像是对自己观点的“打脸”——新冠病毒对全球造成系统性的威胁 , 作为全球公民 , 我们个人的力量似乎还是那么渺小 。 减少旅行和实行有效的社会距离似乎可以控制病毒传播 , 但同时它们似乎也在撕裂着世界 。 一些批评者甚至警告 , 新冠疫情带来的是全球化的终结 。 疏远和距离真的达到预期效果了吗?
Without doubt, distancing is helping prevent the virus from spreading, but if we look at the data, it seems that distancing is a very incomplete solution. The United States was among the first countries to block entry to people who had been to China and made the concept of social distancing known to the world. And yet the US has become the country with the most confirmed cases, active cases and deaths.
毫无疑问 , 距离有助于阻止病毒传播 。 但看看数据我们就能知道 , 它并不能彻底解决问题 。 美国是最早禁止有中国旅行史的旅客入境的国家之一 , 并一直推广实行着“社交距离” 。 然而 , 美国如今已经是疫情最严重的国家 , 确诊病例、现存病例 , 和死亡人数均为全球最多 。
So as more cities and countries across the globe lock down as the city of Wuhan did nearly three months ago, it is clear that distancing is not enough. Closing borders, banning travel and social distancing may do well in mitigating the spread of the virus, but they cannot be regarded as a magic potion that rids the world of this scourge once and for all.
随着全球越来越多城市和国家实行封城政策 , 像三个月前的武汉那样 。 这显然无法完全解决问题 。 关闭边境、禁止旅行 , 保持社交距离只可能减缓病毒的传播速度 , 但它们决不能被视为灵丹妙药 , 无法做到一劳永逸消除危机 。
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