留美大学生深情表白祖国:当海外华人无法回家,家来到我们身边( 三 )
中国在控制新冠病毒方面取得了巨大的进展 , 但她所做的远远不止是简单实施封城而已 。
China has made great strides in bringing the coronavirus under control, but it has done far more than simply imposing lockdowns.
确实 , 边境管制变得更加严格 , 社交距离实施更为严厉 。 但其他国家也应当看到 , 除此之外 , 中国也采取了其他办法 。
Border controls have become a lot tighter and the imposition of social distancing has become tougher, but the world needs to take heed of other measures and other approaches China has taken as well.
作为一名在美的中国交换生 , 我看到的中国立场是伸出援手 , 而不是疏远离间 。
As a Chinese exchange student in the US, I see China’s stance has been one of reaching out rather than distancing.
当50多万中国人无法回家之时 , 家来到了我们身边:中国使领馆为在美学生准备了健康包 。
When more than half a million Chinese nationals could not get home, home came to us,in the form of health packs prepared for students in the US and dispatched by China’s embassies and consulates.
要求我们每天更新个人健康状况并给予建议;还举行了疾病预防讲座 , 直播时段兼顾了美国七个不同时区的观众需求 。
Reports and advice on personal health have also been issued daily, including lectures on disease prevention livestreamed at times to suit those in any of the US’ seven time zones.
来自祖国面面俱到、无微不至的关心 , 让留在这里的中国学生几乎不会感觉到自己被孤立在异国他乡 。
So much thought seems to have been put into this outreach that it would be virtually impossible for any Chinese student here to feel that they are isolated far from home.
事实上 , 在过去的几周 , 家从来没有如此近过 。
In fact in some ways over the past few weeks, home has never seemed any nearer.
只有团结一致 , 我们才能走向和平与胜利
面对全球疫情的挑战 , 仅靠疏远距离是远远不够的 。 在我看来 , 保持距离反而提醒着我们与他人分享、关心他人和互相交流的价值 。
Facing the challenge of a global epidemic, distancing alone can never be enough. For me one of the main benefits of distancing is that it reminds us of the value of sharing, caring and communicating with others.
疫情不能扫除友谊、善意以及思想和知识的交流 。
But a pandemic cannot sweep away friendships, goodwill and exchanges of ideas and knowledge.
当我们看到新冠疫情的最新统计数字时 , 我们不应仅仅关注数字 , 更应该意识到在这些数字背后是鲜活的生命 , 这些人遭受了巨大的痛苦 。 幸运的是 , 我们大多数人尚且无恙 , 仍将继续战斗 。
When we look at the latest COVID-19 statistics, we ought not just see figures but also be conscious of the human lives that lie behind them, the suffering of those people have endured and that most of us have happily been spared.
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