如果不慎被蛇咬伤,不要吓得不知所措。首先应判断是否为毒蛇咬伤 。通常观察伤口上有两个较大和较深的牙痕,才可判断为毒蛇咬伤。若无牙痕,并在20分钟内没有局部疼痛、肿胀、麻木和无力等症状,则为无毒蛇咬伤。只需要对伤口清洗、止血、包扎。若有条件再送医院注射破伤风针即可。 被毒蛇咬伤的主要症状为:如是出血性蛇毒:伤口灼痛、局部肿胀并扩散,伤口周围有紫斑、淤斑、起水泡,有浆状血由伤口渗出,皮肤或者、皮下组织坏死、发烧、恶心、呕吐、七窍出血。有血痰、血尿、血压降低,瞳孔缩小、抽筋等。被咬后6—48小时内可能导致伤者死亡。如是神经性蛇毒:伤口疼痛、局部肿胀,嗜睡,运动失调,眼睑下垂、瞳孔散大,局部无力,吞咽麻痹,口吃、流口水、恶心、呕吐、昏迷、呼吸困难,甚至呼吸衰竭。伤者可能在8—72小时内死亡。 一般而言,被毒蛇咬伤后10—20分钟后,其症状才回逐渐呈现。被咬伤后,争取时间是最重要的。首先需要找一根布带或长鞋带在伤口靠近心脏上端5—10分钟扎紧,缓解毒素扩散。但为防止肢体坏死,每隔10分钟左右,放松2—3分钟。应用冷水反复冲洗伤口表面的蛇毒。 然后以牙痕为中心,用消过毒的小刀将伤口的皮肤切成十字形。再用两手用力挤压,拔火罐,或在伤口上覆盖4—5层纱布,用嘴隔纱布用力吸允(口内不能有伤口),尽量将伤口内的毒液吸出。
其实我正准备找个地方整理一下我从急救课上学来的知识 发现这个问题很合适 我就不再写个自问自答的问题了 内容会比较多 所以我会慢慢更新我在2013年9月的时候 在 St John Ambulance 接受了"First Aid at Work"课程 接下来我要介绍的急救知识大部分来自于这本 First Aid 少部分来自与我上课的笔记(因为我太懒 没怎么记)这些都是我自己翻译的所以可能 不是可能 是一定会有错误 所以我会把英文也加上 一切急救知识以英文为准Reference:Austin, M., Crawford, R. and Armstrong, V. (2009) First Aid. Ninth Edition. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited.
首先说一下电的相关急救Electrical IncidentsWhen a person is electrocuted, the passage of electrical current through the body may stun him, causing his breathing and heartbeat to stop. The electrical current can also cause burns both where it enters and where it exits the body to go to "earth". An electrical burn may appear very small or not be visible on the skin, but the damage can extend deep into the tissues.Factors that affect the severity of the injury are: the voltage; the type of current; and the path of the current. A low voltage of 240 volts is found in a home or workplace, a high voltage of 440-1,000 volts is found in industry and voltage of more than 1,000 volts is found in power lines. The type of current will be either alternating (AC) or direct (DC), and the path of the current can be hand-to-hand, hand-to-foot or foot-to-foot. Most low-voltage and high-tension current are AC, which causes muscular spasms and the "locked-on" phenomenon- the casualty\u0026#39; grasp is "locked" on to the object preventing him from letting go, so he may remain electrically charged "live". In contract, DC tends to produce a single large muscular contraction that often throws the person away from the source. Be aware that the jolt may cause the casualty to be thrown or to fall, resulting in injuries such as spinal injuries and fractures.当一个人触电的时候,电流可能会使他昏迷,造成呼吸和心跳的停止。同时,电流会在它流入和流出人体的地方造成灼伤。 灼伤外表看起来也许很小甚至根本看不见,但是能对人体的内部组织造成伤害。有3个因素影响击伤的严重性:电压,电流种类和电流的路径。家庭和工作场所的用电一般低于240伏特,工厂用电会在240伏特到1000伏特之间, 1000伏特以上的电流一般只有输电线有。 电流分成交流电和直流电两种。电流在人体内的路径可以有3种:手到手;手到脚;脚到脚。交流电会造成肌肉痉挛和“锁住”现象,即触电的人被电流“抓住”,所以电流依然在人体内流动。直流电会造成肌肉收缩,触电的人经常会被电流弹开,从而远离电流。但是在弹开过程中, 可能会造成脊椎受伤和骨折。CautionDo not touch the casualty if he is in contact with the electrical current.Do not use anything metallic to break the electrical contact.Do not approach high-voltage wires until the power is turned off.Do not move a person with an electrical injury unless he is immediate danger and is no longer in contact with the electricity. If the casualty is unconscious, and it is safe to touch him, open the airway and check breathing. 注意:如果触电的人身上仍然有电流,不要接触TA。不要用金属制品去断开电流的接触器。除非已经切断了电源,不要靠近高压电线。除非触电的人在原地会受到进一步的伤害而且电源已经切断,不要移动TA。如果触电的人已经失去意识而且接触TA没有危险,保持呼吸道畅通,检查呼吸。High-Voltage CurrentContact with a high-voltage current, found in power lines and overhead cables, is usually immediately fatal. Anyone who survives will have severe burns, since the temperature of the electricity may reach up to 5,000°C. Furthermore, the shock produces a muscular spasm that propels the casualty some distance, causing additional injuries. High-voltage electricity may jump "arc" up to 18m. The power must be cut off and isolated before anyone approaches the casualty. A casualty who has suffered this type of shock is likely to be unconscious. Once you have been officially informed that it is safe to approach, assess the casualty, open the airway and check breathing. 高压电流最常见的接触到高压电流的后果是立即死亡。因为高压电可以达到5000度,幸存者会有严重的烧伤。休克造成的肌肉痉挛会推动触电的人,造成更多伤害。高压电的电弧可以达到18米高,所以在靠近触电的人之前要切断电源。触电的人一般都会失去意识。一旦确认可以安全的靠近之后,要保持呼吸道畅通,检查呼吸。
保护路人让所以人远离事发地点,至少需要离毁坏的电线或者触电的人18米远。Low-Voltage CurrentDomestic current, as used in homes and workplace, can cause serious injury or even death. Incidents are usually due to faulty switches, frayed flexes of defective appliances. Young children are at risk since they are naturally curious, and may put fingers or other objects into electrical wall sockets. water is also a very efficient conductor of electricity, so presents additional risks. Handling an otherwise safe electrical appliance with wet hands, or when you are standing on a wet floor, greatly increase the risk of an electric shock. 低电压电流家庭和工作用电可以对人造成严重的伤害甚至死亡。事故一般是由质量不好的开关和电器里磨损 的电线引起的。小孩子很容易触电,因为他们生性好奇,有时候会把手指或者其他东西插到插座里。水是另外一个危险物,因为水是电的良好导体。用湿的手使用电器或者站在湿的地板上会增加触电的风险。
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