
首先先简单科普一下背景知识,为什么三聚氰胺会被加到奶制品里? 【奶制品中三聚氰胺快速检测技术,近几年有哪些进步与应用?】
最常用的奶制品蛋白质检测方法---凯氏测量法(Kjedahl Method),只会测量奶制品中的氮元素含量,再根据经验公式将氮的含量转化为蛋白质的含量数据。 因此,加入含氮量丰富的三聚氰胺既能通过检测,又能节省成本。其实在2007年之前,奶制品是不需要检测三聚氰胺的,然而2007年后美国从外地进口的奶制品导致了宠物的致死案例,才让今天,测量三聚氰胺变成了欧盟和美国检测(“尤其是从中国进口的“)奶制品的一个必经过程。引用一下来自卢森堡的Eurofin食品检测机构的官方解释Melamine was initially found in food stuffs exported to the USA in early 2007 contained in contaminated wheat gluten and rice protein and had resulted in the death of several pet dogs and cats. Thereafter, this contamination was found in many other products that use protein content as an important quality indicator. Melamine testing is now one of the "must-do\u0026#39;s" when exporting feed materials to the USA and EU. The FDA has increased powers of detention without inspection of imports of vegetable proteins from China. The European Commission has asked Member States to control consignments of wheat gluten, corn gluten, corn meal, soy protein, rice bran, and rice protein concentrate originating from third party countries. As well as melamine, testing is done for other structurally related compounds such as cyanuric acid, ammelide and ammeline. 涉及到具体的检测方法,下面列出的是目前国际公认的其中一种。Eurofins\u0026#39; analytical offer for melamine testingBased on its global network and local laboratory structure, Eurofins can provide melamine testing to the dairy and dairy-related industries and also to food retailers. Eurofins has performed extensive validation in all relevant matrices and the capability to test is established in several laboratories, particularly its high-capacity facilities in Germany, which in turn guarantees short turn-around times. Its market leading position was developed as a result of the 2007 pet food crisis, when Eurofins was the first company onto the market with an accredited test.
Eurofins offers two different methods for the analysis of melamine in food, plant protein products, dairy products and feed containing milk products:
Using GC-MS (according to the official FDA method) melamine and its homologues cyanuric acid, ammeline and ammelide can be detected in the ppm range. Limit of Detection (LOD) for melamine: 2 mg/kg (ppm).A very sensitive LC-MS/MS method is offered for the analysis infant food and dairy products. Using this method melamine can be detected in the ppb range. (Limit of Quantification (LOQ): \u0026lt; 0.1 mg/kg).The following compounds are among those covered by the current FDA GC-MS method:
Melamine (CAS 108-78-1)Cyanuric Acid (CAS 108-80-5)Ammeline (CAS 645-92-1)Ammelide (CAS 645-93-2)Quality AssuranceMethods cross validated with our US and Chinese laboratoriesUse of a 2,4,6-Triaminopyrimidine as an internal standardRecovery of the internal standard is monitoredUse of blanks and spikes within each analytical batch、简单来说,就是用气相色谱和液相色谱来检测三聚氰胺及其同系物(氰尿酸,三聚氰胺一酰胺和:三聚氰酸二酰胺)。这种检测方法已经得到了美国和中国的双方验证,是目前通用的方法。
另外一种更加经济的方法便是ELISA(酶联免疫吸附剂测定),市面上有专门用来检测三聚氰胺的ELISA testing kit,如下图。ELISA也是通用的实验室技术,不多赘述。
抖个机灵 抄个网上的段子:有一化学博士写了篇paper,研究怎么快速检测牛奶中三聚氰胺含量的,投到国外杂志,审稿的答复:这有什么用?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
问题是快速检测:以前国标的快件方法是HPLC,后来是酶联免疫近来发展最多的近红外和TOF 法
