《罗伯特议事规则》| 通用议事规则的根本原则
原文链接《罗伯特议事规则》(中文第11版)亨利·罗伯特 著袁天鹏、孙涤 译;格致出版社、上海人民出版社 。---通用议事规则的根本原则(目录前2页)“通用议事规则”在构建时的一个核心原则 , 就是要谨慎仔细地平衡“组织”(organization)和“会议”(assembly)中个人和群体的“权利”(rights) , 包括:1.意见占多数者 , 即“多数方”(majority)的权利;2.意见占少数者 , 即“少数方”(minority)的权利 , 特别是对于占总人数少于 1/2但大于1/3的所谓“强少数方”(strong minority)的权利;3.每个成员的权利;4.“缺席者”(absentee)的权利;5.所有上述人群作为一个整体的权利 。“通用议事规则”的实质就是通过适当的措施保护上述各项权利 。 正是对保护这些权利的不懈追求才换来了“通用议事规则”今天的发展 。“通用议事规则”使一个组织的全体成员通过会议协商的方式表达其总体的意愿 。 全体成员按照自己的意愿选出领导人 , 并将一部分权力交给领导人 , 但是同时 , 又必须明确地保留指定的权力 , 使组织仍然能够直接控制自身的事务 , 避免领导人的权力过大 , 避免领导人将自己的意志强加在组织的头上 。从根本上讲 , 是参与会议的“多数方”(majority)决定了一个会议的总体意愿 。 ① 但是这样的决定 , 必须要经过一个自由、充分的辩论协商过程才可以做出 。 要想取消或限制个人或者“少数方”(minority)进行辩论的权利 , 必须得到“出席且投票者”(present and voting)的2/3或者更多票数的同意 。由此可以推出 , 每一个人或一群人 , 都有尽其最大努力把自己的立场变成总体意愿的权利 , 但这要在整体利益所能容忍的程度之内 。 也就是说 , 虽然这种权利是当然的 , 但并不等于说在任何时候坚持这种权利都是明智或有益的 。还有一条重要的原则是 , 改变会议组织已经做出的决定 , 要比通过一个新的决定难度更大 。 这是为了避免会议组织决策的不稳定 。 否则 , 类似出席人数微小变化这样的因素都可能会造成决策的重大变化 。要能处理各种规模的会议 , 要面对从和谐一致到针锋相对的各种各样的局面 , 要考虑到每一个成员的意见 , 要用最少的时间 , 要就大量复杂程度各异的问题达成最大程度的一致 , 总之 , 要在如此之多的要求下最大程度地体现一个组织的总体意愿 , 应用“通用议事规则”是迄今为止人们找到的最好方法 。---注:① 对于不同的议题 , “多数方”不是固定的 。 这也是本书中把“majority”翻译成“多数方”而不是“多数派”的原因 。 “多数派”容易被误解成一个派系 , 相对固定的一群人 。 而“majority”在本书中仅仅是指在每一个单独的议题的表决中 , 票数超过了半数的那些人的一个抽象集合 。 ——译者注---PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING PARLIAMENTARY LAWThe rules of parliamentary law found in this book will, on analysis, be seen to be constructed upon a careful balance of the rights of persons or subgroups within an organization""""s or an assembly""""s total membership. That is, these rules are based on a regard for the rights:1. of the majority,2. of the minority, especially a strong minority——greater than one third,3. of individual members,4. of absentees, and5. of all these together.The means of protecting all of these rights in appropriate measure forms much of the substance of parliamentary law, and the need for this protection dictates the degree of development that the subject has undergone.Parliamentary procedure enables the overall membership of an organization——expressing its general will through the assembly of its members——both to establish and empower an effective leadership as it wishes, and at the same time to retain exactly the degree of direct control over its affairs that it chooses to reserve to itself.Ultimately, it is the majority taking part in the assembly who decide the general will, but only following upon the opportunity for a deliberative process of full and free discussion. Only two thirds or more of those present and voting may deny a minority or any member the right of such discussion.In this connection, there is an underlying assumption of a right that exists even though it may not always be prudent or helpful for it to be exercised. Each individual or subgroup has the right to make the maximum effort to have his, her, or its position declared the will of the assembly to the extent that can be tolerated in the interests of the entire body.Another important principle is that, as a protection against instability——arising, for example, from such factors as slight variations in attendance——the requirements for changing a previous action are greater than those for taking the action in the first place.Fundamentally, under the rules of parliamentary law, a deliberative body is a free agent——free to do what it wants to do with the greatest measure of protection to itself and of consideration for the rights of its members.The application of parliamentary law is the best method yet devised to enable assemblies of any size, with due regard for every member""""s opinion, to arrive at the general will on the maximum number of questions of varying complexity in a minimum amount of time and under all kinds of internal climateranging from total harmony to hardened or impassioned division of opinion.---
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